Digital Citizenship


JTMS Personal Devices Policy

Students may use personal devices on campus if they have permission from a teacher and are under direct supervision of that teacher.  Otherwise, personal devices should be turned off and in a student's backpack.  Students not complying with this policy may have their devices taken away.

Jeffrey Trail and IUSD have no responsibility for lost, stolen, or broken personal devices.

Total security on any technology system is imperfect and impossible to achieve.  This policy seeks to protect both the students and the school.


Agreements for Responsible Use

As a Jeffrey Trail student, I agree to:

Use technology resources primarily for school-related purposes

Always act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner

Use etiquette, including being polite, using appropriate language, and respecting privacy

Respect the web filter, which is in place to comply with the Child Internet Protection Act

Intentionally bypassing the filter may result in technology privileges being revoked.

Participate in the digital citizenship curriculum taught at each grade level

Only share and collaborate on projects approved by a teacher

Respect other people’s work and not delete, copy, or share it without permission.

Participate appropriately in online forums

Use a respectful tone

Use proper grammar and spelling

Stay on topic

Be respectful of others’ opinions and viewpoints

Treat all equipment with respect

Not download or install unauthorized content

Log off and leave the device in an appropriate state for the next user

Carry portable equipment with two hands

Not eat or drink around school equipment

Not unplug school computer components (ie: mouse, keyboard, monitor)