The Jeffrey Trail Middle School Student Handbook is distributed to all students. Below are the sections for your reference.
our mission
Imagine a School… Focused on developing students who exhibit a true love of learning, who demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively, and who appreciate the value of education and community beyond their classroom.
Imagine a School… Created with a foundation that provides an intellectually safe environment, with high expectations that encourage students to take academic risks, work collaboratively, and strive for high personal achievement.
Imagine a School… Continually evolving as a community while always considering the development of the well rounded student.
This is… Jeffrey Trail Middle School!
Willing to take risks
Willing to cheerfully attempt challenges outside academic and social comfort zones.
Integrity in actions
A steadfast adherence to a strict moral ethical code; honest.
Noble in thoughts
Shows high moral character and respect for others while demonstrating courage in actions
Generous in spirit
Kind and giving towards others
Takes initiative to independently get started and stay on task
Students will …
- Give an honest effort
- Be responsible and do their homework, bring it, and turn it in
- Regularly check grades, Canvas, etc.
- Come up with questions for the following day
- Be organized and use time/resources wisely
- Understand the purpose of homework
- Self-evaluate their own learning
- Know how to ask for help
Parents will …
- Provide a quiet place to do homework with minimal distractions
- Support an after school routine
- Oversee organization and homework completion
- Check Parent Portal and its comments
- Encourage school as a priority
- Partner with the school and staff
- Allow students to work independently
Teachers will …
- Provide clear expectations and purpose
- Be available to students
- Assign homework in advance
- Honor academic breaks
- Celebrate students and acknowledge their effort
Jeffrey Trail will …
- Provide a safe environment
- Educate parents on available resources
- Keep parents informed
- Provide a well-balanced student work load
Academic Honesty Policy
Honest behavior is an expectation for all students in the Irvine Unified School District. The purpose of this policy is to create and maintain an ethical academic environment.
Within Irvine Unified School District it is agreed that there is a shared responsibility to ensure that grades assigned reflect the knowledge and skill level of each student. Acts of academic dishonesty make it difficult to fulfill this responsibility. When academic honesty infractions do occur, consequences shall be based on an evaluation of the specific situation, shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the act, and the previous record of the student. Where appropriate, both at the school and the classroom level, specific consequences for specific dishonest acts shall be determined.
All academic honesty violations, whether handled by a teacher or another school official, shall be documented in the student’s discipline file for future reference. Parents/guardians shall be made aware of each academic honesty violation and consequence.
Definitions of Academic Honesty Behaviors
Specific types of academic honesty infractions are defined below. These definitions do not represent a complete list of possible infractions; rather, they provide examples of the range of conduct which violates academic honesty expectations.
- Cheating on Tests - Any use of external assistance relating to an examination, test, or quiz without expressed permission of the teacher. This includes looking at another student's paper, sharing answers, possession of materials, or copying another student's paper.
- Fabrication - Any intentional falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic exercise.
- Unauthorized Collaboration - Collaboration on an assignment between a student and another person, if such collaboration is not expressly directed or permitted by the teacher. This includes copying another student's work, allowing work to be copied or completing assignments for others, giving or "passing" any assessments to other students for the following year, or receiving any assessments from other students.
- Plagiarism - Any representation of another's ideas, words, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, electronic material, and/or the work of other students. The original writer who intentionally shares his/her paper for another to copy, without the permission of the teacher, has also engaged in plagiarism.
- Alteration of Materials - Any intentional and unauthorized alteration of student, teacher, or library instructional or assessment materials. This may include changing answers after the fact.
- Theft - Any unauthorized taking, concealment, or alteration of student or teacher instructional or assessment materials or equipment, including, but not limited to, the district data network, internet, and other on-line resources.
- Transfer or Use of Unauthorized Materials - includes the use of unapproved translation devices, or any giving or selling of unauthorized materials.
- Digital Citizenship Violations - Per Board Policy 6163.4 (Acceptable Use Policy) Students should refrain from using technological resources for infractions that involve academic dishonesty. These include using technology to copy, plagiarize, collaborate inappropriately, sending or receiving test questions, accessing another’s account, or hacking into computer systems.
Student Responsibility:
- Each student is required to read, understand and abide by this academic honesty policy
- Each student is expected to do their own work on individual assignments. This includes test taking, assignments, class work, and the original creation of essays, research papers, and other writing assignments
- All work submitted by a student should be a true reflection of his or her own effort and ability
- Act with integrity, doing what is right even when not acknowledged for it
- Actively discourage and refuse to aid others in any form of cheating or plagiarism
- Abide by digital citizenship guidelines
Parent/Guardian Responsibility:
- Support his/her student in the understanding of school and district academic honesty guidelines
- Promote and model integrity and core ethical values
- Read, understand and abide by your school’s academic honesty policy
- Dialogue with family members about academic honesty including cheating, plagiarism, etc.
- State clear expectations regarding conformance to the school’s academic honesty policy
- Monitor assignments to be sure students are doing their own, and not copying from friends or relying too heavily on tutors
- Help and encourage students with school work, without doing it for them
- Monitor student’s online and social media activity
- Notify instructors regarding concerns about classroom honesty
Staff Responsibility (Administrator/Teacher/Counselor):
- Reinforce the academic honesty expectations with students
- Foster an environment and establish practices that promotes academic honesty before, during, and after testing
- Promote and model integrity and core ethical values
- Assign work that is intentionally focused on what is to be learned
- Clearly define when collaboration is appropriate along with guidelines for individual student responsibilities
- Enforce the Academic Honesty policy with consistency by department/PLC team
- Student Ownership and understanding of the impact on others
Defined categories below outline different levels of academic honesty infractions or progressive consequences due to repeated infractions.
Category A includes but is not limited to:
- Copying any minor assignment from any other source or a portion thereof, such as a one-night homework assignment (not including tests or quizzes) assigned to be done independently.
- Collaborating on a minor assignment in a manner inconsistent with the explicit and implicit expectations of the assignment for individual work.
- Sharing work on a minor assignment with another student with the reasonable expectation and intention that the other student(s) might plagiarize that work.
Category B includes but is not limited to:
- Any violation on a major assignment (such as Tests, Quizzes, Labs, Projects, Essays, assignments requiring multiple days to complete, etc.) that is consistent with the descriptions set forth in the Category A violations above.
- Submitting plagiarized work, (other than on a minor assignment as defined in Category A.)
- Sharing work inconsistent with class/course expectations and instructions.
- Looking at another student’s work or paper during an exam, test, or quiz.
- Talking to or communicating with another student during an exam, test, or quiz.
- Using any unauthorized material or device during an exam, test, or quiz (including translators, calculators, cell phone, etc.).
- Giving or receiving test information, in any form, to or from students in other periods of the same teacher or the same course or from previous school years.
- Repetitive deception about completion or submission of work.
- Altering a returned quiz, test or assignment with the purpose of deceiving the teacher about the student’s performance on that assignment.
- Accessing exam content, projects, or assignments without expressed consent from instructor.
- Multiple Category A infractions
Category C includes but is not limited to:
- Distributing exams, projects, or assignments.
- Stealing (may include photographing) exams, projects or assignments.
- Altering grades on a computer database or in a grade book.
- Multiple Category B infractions
Academic Honesty Infraction Consequences by Category (see below)
Category A Consequences |
Category B Consequences |
Category C Consequences |
Teacher conferences with student. Teacher notifies administrator. Teacher notifies parent/guardian. Administrator logs infraction into Aeries Assertive Discipline Screen. Meeting may be held with student, teacher, administrator and parent. Parameters to be determined by the teacher may include: student redoing the assignment, replacing with another assignment, or revisiting in an alternative manner. Student may be assigned a detention or similar consequence where the student may be required to complete an additional assignment that addresses the same skill or content objective being assessed by the initial assignment. |
Teacher conferences with student. Teacher notifies administrator. Teacher notifies parent/guardian. Administrator logs infraction into Aeries Assertive Discipline Screen and meets with student and parent/guardian. Parameters to be determined by the teacher may include: student redoing the assignment/assessment, replacing with another assessment, or revisiting in an alternative manner. Student may be assigned a detention or similar consequence where the student may be required to complete an additional assignment that addresses the same skill or content objective being assessed by the initial assignment. Student may become ineligible for any academic or scholastic award, recognition, or honor society within the same year of the infraction. |
Teacher conferences with student. Teacher notifies administrator. Teacher notifies parent/guardian. Administrator logs infraction into Aeries Assertive Discipline Screen and meets with student and parent/guardian. Student may receive consequences such as detention, in-school or at-home suspension if student has prior AH violations or being transferred to another class or program. Student’s teachers and teacher advisor are notified of the violation. Parameters to be determined by the teacher may include: student redoing the assignment/assessment, replacing with another assessment, or revisiting in an alternative manner. Student will become ineligible for any academic or scholastic award, recognition, or honor society within the same year of the infraction. Participation in student leadership positions will be re-evaluated with possible revocation of privileges, suspension, or probation for a specified number of days. |
The following links below are an effort to make communication between school and home effective and efficient.
- JTMS Website for updated information and events
- Staff Directory
- – This is a parent portal that contains information of your student’s attendance, grades, assignments, and other important information.
- Canvas – This is a school-wide program for students to access material such as PowerPoints, lecture notes, worksheets, assignment, and other resource materials.
- Principal’s Newsletter – The Jetstream
policies & practices
- ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE TO SCHOOL- Supervision is provided 15 minutes prior to the beginning of school and 15 minutes after school concludes. Students are expected to leave campus immediately after concluding any school business.
- ATTENDANCE - Attendance will be taken and reported to the office each class period. When a student is going to be absent, his/her parent or guardian must phone the Attendance Clerk at 936-8701 each day of the absence. To report an absence, the caller must identify themselves, give the student's full legal name, the date, and reason for absence.
If a student has an excused absence, they will be able to make up any missed work upon their return. Please inform the office in advance of any expected absence.
Excused Absences are granted for:
- Personal illness
- Doctor or dentist appointment
- Death of immediate family member
- IUSD recognized religious holiday
**Requests may be made in advance for a planned absence to be excused by completing a “Justifiable Personal Reason” form prior to the absence. Requests will be reviewed by an administrator for approval.
Leaving School Early: If a student needs to leave before the end of the school day, a parent or guardian must come to the Front Office to show identification and sign a student out of school.
- TARDY POLICY - Students are responsible for being in their assigned classroom prior to the bell for each class period.
Students who choose to come late to school multiple times will be subject to the following consequences:
3+ Tardies – After School Detention
5+ Tardies – Student Conference with the Assistant Principal, parent contact and SARB 1 Letter
10+ Tardies – Parent Conference and SARB 2 Letter
Late to School: When you are late 10 minutes or more, you must go directly to the Main Office to obtain
a written pass before going to class.
- CLOSED CAMPUS - Only pupils and visitors with school business are permitted on campus during the school day. ANY visitor must sign in with the Front Office. Students must remain on campus during the school day unless an adult on their Contact List, with proper identification documentation, comes to school to check them out. Students may not receive food deliveries from private businesses.
- EXPECTED APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR – Students are expected to act in a manner that is appropriate, safe, and respectable to everyone and everything on campus in order to ensure a positive and productive learning experience for all students. Beyond demonstrating the W.I.N.G.S. characteristics, students are asked to:
- keep your hands to yourself and avoid any physical contact. Pushing, tackling, wrestling, hitting and other horseplay is not acceptable, regardless of intent
- maintain a clean campus by throwing trash in trash cans
- walk at all times in the hallways, quad, and lunch areas
- refrain from chewing gum
- use school appropriate language
- address staff and fellow students in a respectful manner whether on or off campus
**Students who choose not to follow these expectations may be subject to the following discipline: privileges revoked, parent contact, detention.
Cell Phones
All cell phones are to be turned off from the start of school until the end of the school day unless a student is explicitly told by a teacher that cell phone use is permitted. Jeffrey Trail is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones.
Headphones/Ear Buds
Listening devices cannot be used from the start of school until the end of the school day unless a student is explicitly told by a teacher that use is permitted.
** Students who choose to use their devices without teacher permission may have the following consequences: phone confiscated and returned at the end of the day, parent contact, detention, phone confiscated and returned to parent/guardian by the Assistant Principal.
- TECHNOLOGY EXPECTATIONS (SCHOOL ISSUED OR PERSONAL DEVICES) - Students must abide by the JTMS Responsible Use Policy (see JTMS website). Moreover, students are expected to come to school with their JTMS issued Chromebook each day with a full charge for academic use.
Chromebooks may be used inside only, unless directed by a teacher during class time. This includes before school, snack, lunch and after school.
**Students who choose not to follow these expectations may be subject to the following discipline: privileges revoked, parent contact, detention, suspension, expulsion. Students who intentionally damage school hardware (i.e. Chromebook, computer, mouse, etc.) are responsible for restitution.
- DRESS CODE – All students are required to attend school and school activities dressed in a manner that is conducive to a positive and safe learning environment. The following guidelines must be observed:
- Shirts
- Must cover student’s midriff, upper chest, side, and back when student is standing.
- Shoulders must be covered by sleeves or straps that are more than 1 inch thick.
- Undergarments must be completely concealed.
- Clothing must be positive (i.e. no racially or sexually degrading slogans/images, inappropriate language, references to gangs, illegal activity, weapons or violence).
- Pants
- Shorts and skirts should cover a student from the waist through the upper thigh
- Shoes: Must be close toed, suitable for outdoors, and worn at all times (no flip flops or slippers).
- Headwear: Hats and beanies are discouraged. If they are disruptive to the learning environment, they may be confiscated. Bandanas may not be worn at any time.
**Students who choose to wear clothing contrary to these guidelines will be asked to change
into alternative attire; parents may need to pick up clothes and detention may be issued.
- BIKES - Students must park and lock bicycles on the bike racks. It is recommended to register your bike with the police department. JTMS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles.
- SKATEBOARDS/SCOOTERS - Skateboards and scooters must be held on campus at all times and stored in the Fitness Center storage bin upon arrival, and picked up after school. JTMS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged skateboards or scooters.
**Skateboards and scooters that are ridden on campus may be confiscated. Skateboards and scooters that are confiscated multiple times will need to be picked up by a parent and may result in a loss of privilege.
- ILLNESS / MEDICATIONS - Students needing medical attention should go to the Health Office. Students are not to have any medication in their possession, including Advil, Tylenol, etc. All medication must be given and distributed through the Health Office.
- SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY - The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation or insult, student-to-student or adult-to-student, on the basis of an individual’s sex. Positive action will be taken when necessary to eliminate such practices or remedy their effects. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
- COMMITMENT TO ACADEMIC HONESTY - Jeffrey Trail Middle School places an emphasis on ethical behavior and academic honesty. Our W.I.N.G.S. values promote this. We expect that all students will complete their own work and complete all assignments and assessments based on their own research, knowledge base and efforts in a manner that fully complies with their teacher’s directives and policies.
See the JTMS Academic Honesty Policy for detailed information.
The Jeffrey Trail staff is committed to providing a wide variety of activities for students throughout their daily schedules.
Advantage- Time has been built into the schedule on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for students to take advantage of extra time for help, extend coursework and to introduce new and interesting activities. Examples: Robotics, Speech and Debate, Yoga, Sports, or Learn a new Instrument.
Lunchtime- These are high interest activities which provide a great opportunity for students to socialize and bring friends with like-minded interests together Clubs, are a drop in program held at lunch with two clubs per day. Examples: Jet Gazette, Gardening, Games, Games, Games, Creative Crafts, and Lunch and a Movie.
Intramurals- Voluntary sports leagues for students who are interested in playing in a competitive setting. Activities will include: 3 on 3 Basketball, Flag Football, Pickleball, 5 on 5 Basketball, and Volleyball.
Afterschool- The City of Irvine will be running a variety of activities for the students at JTMS. Sports will be two days of week that encourages all levels of players to get involved. Some of the sports may include Volleyball, Flag Football, Basketball and more. Youth Action Team (YAT) is a community service based group where students will be introduced and involved in activities that will help the local community. ACE Classes, through IPSF, are available after school. Class offerings may include Homework Club, Extra subject area help, and Study Skills.
Special Events- Throughout the school year the Jeffrey Trail staff will hold special activities for students during the school day. A few of these events are: Iron Chef Cookie Contest, Superbowl Chili Cook Off, Special Lunch Events, and Advisement Challenges.
Listen to morning announcements for more information on the following lunch time sports:
student help manual
Where do I go if…
I have a question about attendance…………………………see attendance clerk in the front office
I am going to be absent……………………………..………parent calls attendance line (949) 936-8701
I was tardy………………………………………………………………see attendance clerk in the front office
I was absent…………………………………………………………….see attendance clerk in the front office
I don’t feel well…………………………………………………………………see the nurse in the health office
I need to change my contact information……………………………………………..see front office staff
I lost my ID card……………………………………………………………………................see front office staff
I am having trouble with my locker………………………………….see custodian or campus security
I forgot my combination……………………………………………………………………….see front office staff
I lost an item....................................................................................check lost and found in the quad
I need to make a phone call…………………………………………….see front office staff for assistance
I forgot student ID number……………………………………………………………………see front office staff
I am having a problem with a friend……………………………………………..see grade level counselor
My parents are bringing my lunch…………………….......................check lunch table outside the office
I see someone breaking a rule………………………………………………………………….see any JTMS staff
I have an idea for an school event or activity………………………….………….see ASB Representative
Dropping Off Forgotten Items
As we continue to help students transition to secondary school expectations, please help us with this transition by only dropping off necessary items. As we do not deliver items to the classroom or call students out of class to pick up their items, please place your student’s name on the item and leave it on the file cabinet behind reception in the front office for your student to pick up during snack or lunch.